Whether you are a professional webmaster or just someone how have a website or blog to share your thought. When it comes to the self-hosted platforms, one of the major problem we all have to face is the nightmare of server performance. We all know that we are not big enterprises with a thick wallet so that we can have our own data center and server admin staffs. We all have certain budget to follow due to our financial constraints and getting a blazing fast server performance is really hard to come by as most of us pay very little mostly for our shared servers and VPS. Also almost all major hosting companies does oversell their server resource just to gain more profit by spending less as their plans are much cheaper than others. I’ve seen just a hand few web hosting companies who actually sells good quality servers and do not oversell their resources, but they are really hard to find. One of them areWPHostingSpot, which I personally use and really happy with it since the day I’m using it.
Anyways in this situation, where you can’t spend much money but must need to have a good host, it is necessary to understand the server loads, so that you can be sure whether the host you are currently using is a quality host or just some other company trying to thick their wallet by overselling. As most of us are windows users we are familiar with the windows user interface. If you ever go to the task manager of your windows PC, you will see that it shows the system load in percentage, like 85% or 62% etc. But when you purchase a hosting, mostly they use linux as the server operation system. Because it is open source, free, more robust and reliable than windows. But there is no way in linux by which you can get a windows like server load percentage. That’s because linux handles things with a complete different approach.
Please note this post is for general webmasters and website ownerswho might not have well proficiency in server administrationand/or using linux commands. So, if you are an advanced user with well proficiency in server administration, this post might not be suitable for you.
The only way to get linux server load is by using a command called
, but if you use this command in your linux console, you will see that it greets you with a bunch of different numbers which might not have any meaning to you. That is why it gets really frustrating for a general user to understand the linux server performance they are using. You see having no website or server is much better than slow servers, because everyone hates slow website and contents. So you always have to make sure that your site loads blazing fast. Now I know that many webmaster spend hours optimizing their website codes, implement caching, CDN and other stuffs, but never care for checking their server performance, they most of them don’t understand the way linux talks. This is a huge communication gap between general webmasters and their linux servers. In fact if you ever contact your hosting company asking why your site is loading slowly, they will always point the figure to your website codes and never say that it’s because they are selling overcrowded server. Today in this post, I’m going share some insight and an amazing web application which will demolish this commination gap between the webmasters and their servers.What is Server Load?
You see, servers are nothing but a computer, just like what we use in our daily life, but it is more powerful in terms of data processing and speed. Now just like out computers all servers also have some basic internal hardwires like RAM, Hard disk, CPU etc. Now this each CPU also have multiple cores and threads. Generally all servers are made with more than 1 CPU as it has to perform tremendous amount of work every time some new requests pops in. Now in windows is you go to your task manager, you can see the current CPU load and RAM load of your PC in percentage manner, but in linux computer and/or in server you will get some aggregate numbers when you run
command which will denote the aggregate load of your computer or server at that moment. These number denotes the current CPU load of your server. Now if your server has non SDD hard drive then it will take more time to fetch the required data and end up increasing the server load. So, in short your server load numbers denotes the current health of your server.How to understand these server load?
I know that it’s really hard for a general user to understand the meaning of these numbers properly as you must have to understand the linux architecture properly before understanding it. Also most of the shared hosting provider will never give you the SSH access to the server so that you can run some command and the server health. This is where the Realtime Server Load Testing Toolcomes in. Realtime Server Load Testing Tool is a premium web app developed by me after spending months on developing a sleek algorithm which will help general users to understand their server health properly. This is a web app with an intuitive user interface which will show your current, last 5 minute average and last 15 minute average server load in a clean and intuitive manner. Also as this is a real time web application, you don’t have to keep refreshing it or have to press the same command over and over to see the flow of server load. This web application will show you your server load at real time, everytime the server load gets changed, you will see it in your browser. You just have to keep the browser tab open.

Moreover Realtime Server Load Testing Tool has an advanced algorithm built into it, which will show you the current health of your server in clean textual manner. Like “Your server health is Good” or “Your server heath is critical and needs immediate attention”, which makes the general webmaster’s life more easy. Whether or not you understand the meaning of this server load numbers, this web application will fetch all the server information, like the CPU load, number of CPU available in the server, number of cores each CPU have etc. into consideration and then after doing complex calculation it will show you the current easy to read textual manner. Also the color of this text box gets changed depending upon the health of your server. If you server health is good, then the text box color will appear in green if it is critical, then the text box will appear in red, so that it always draws your attention.
Beside all this this web application will also show you the uptime of your server. Which simply denotes the interval between the last times your server has been rebooted. So if a server uptime is showing as 366 Days 2 Hours 15 Minutes and 10 Seconds, means the server has been last rebooted almost a year back. Though now a days all server hardware and linux operating system are so advanced that it can keep running a server for months without rebooting, but it considered to be best approach to reboot your server once in every 6 – 9 months.
Realtime Server Load Testing Tool
Check your Web Server Health in Real Time just at $39
Please note if you are from India and not able to use PayPal, pleasecontact me so that I can sent you a manual invoice in Indian currency which you can pay using any Indian Credit or Debit card or using your Net Banking. The invoice amount will be generated after converting the USD to INR on that day’s currency conversion rate.
What are the requirements of installing this web application?
The Realtime Server Load Testing Tool web application has been designed such a way that it works with all web hosting platforms (even with windows servers). But still I’m sharing the basic requirements of this web application so that you can consult with your hosting company before purchasing it. Here are the basic requirements for Realtime Server Load Testing Tool:
- Needs PHP 5.4+
- Needs PHP
function to be enabled - Needs permission to access files under
through PHP
This is all you need to run this web application. Realtime Server Load Testing Tool don’t even need a database to run the application. If your server host do not provide you this basic access to these basic functions, then you should consider leaving that host immediately. The only reason web host don’t wanna provide access to the above requirements if they don’t want you to know the server load and health details and wants you to keep in the dark, though they might give you some story related to security as this is the most successful story after which users never has anything to say. But if your web host is really good, they will provide you these access easily.
How to install this web application in my server?
Well installing Realtime Server Load Testing Tool is very easy. Just create a directory inside your
root folder
or in public_html
folder and then copy all the files present in your zip file (which you will get after purchasing it) into that specific folder. After all this, just visit the exact path using your browser window like http://example.com/folder-name/
. That’s all you have to do. After this you are good to go. Advertisement
What are the benefit of knowing all this and Why should I purchase this?
As I said earlier that whenever your site gets slowed and you contact your webhost for help, they always points the figure to you telling the issue is generating from your website. That some plugin or theme in your site is causing the slowness. They even tell you to remove your themes and plugin and use the default WordPress theme to test the site speed and many other nasty stuffs. As you never know the server health condition, you will always think that it’s your site cause the issue even when it is not.
But now with this web application, you can monitor your server health by yourself in a more user friendly manner and ensure that whether it is your website code that is creating the issue or the server health is the main culprit behind the scene. That darkness of not knowing your sever health and lies of web hosting companies are gone now. Now you can see what is actually happening by yourself and tell the web host that it’s not my site code that is causing the issue, it’s your server health. So, there are more than enough reasons to purchase Realtime Server Load Testing Tool to ensure the health of the server you are relying on.
Realtime Server Load Testing Tool
Check your Web Server Health in Real Time just at $39
Please note if you are from India and not able to use PayPal, pleasecontact me so that I can sent you a manual invoice in Indian currency which you can pay using any Indian Credit or Debit card or using your Net Banking. The invoice amount will be generated after converting the USD to INR on that day’s currency conversion rate.
As I’ve spent months on creating this Realtime Server Load Testing Tool web application to make sure the communication gap between the general webmasters and their linux servers, I hope this web application will help you always stay updated with your server health and if you see that server load is higher than usual, you can sent a screenshot of this web application to your web host telling that their server load is higher that what it usually needs to be and ask them to fix whatever is causing that issue. This nifty web application will help you to stay assure that whether or not your server is causing any slowness in your website. I hope Realtime Server Load Testing Tool will help you a lot in your daily webmaster life. So, are you using Realtime Server Load Testing Tool in your server? Do you like it? Let me know all your thoughts and opinion about Realtime Server Load Testing Tool in the comment section below. I will love to hear them all.
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